Acting on the instructions of the elders, I threw in my apprenticeship (Telecommunications technician) so that I could enter the "full time service."
Admittedly, this did not immediately lead to be "pioneering", but well before that year was out, that is what I was doing.
Did Jehovah provide for me? No.
Rather, I would pioneer (either regular or auxliary) until I ran out of funds, go back to full time work for a time, then re-enter the pioneer service:
- and so on, almost ad finitum.
But not quite - by the time I was 23 I had woken up to myself. Through contacts my father had in the industry, I was able to get taken on as an adult electrical apprentice (Not quite the same thing I started out with, but close enough!)
Matt. 6:33 - tell that one to the Marines!